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Site owner

Lindy Hop Saarbrücken GbR
Partners: Jovanna Holste, Benedict Taffner, Niklas Taffner

Postal address and bank details

Lindy Hop Saarbrücken GbR
Heidenkopferdell 32
66123 Saarbrücken

Account holder: Lindy Hop Saarbrücken GbR
IBAN: DE04 4306 0967 6032 9043 00
Institute: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank

Responsible for the website

Karin Gadziala

Disclaimer of warranty

The content on this website is provided without any warranty of any kind, in particular for its accuracy, completeness or suitability for specific purposes and, with regard to the content, for its freedom from third-party rights and non-infringement of intellectual property.
Niklas Taffner, Jovanna Holste and Benedict Taffner may make changes to the content of this website at any time without prior notice. We endeavour to keep the content of this website up to date, but are under no obligation to update it.

Limitation of liability

The use of the content provided on this website is at the sole risk of the user. Jovanna Holste, Niklas Taffner and Benedict Taffner or third parties mentioned on this website accept no liability whatsoever for possible damages. This does not apply in the event of wilful intent and in the event that liability is prescribed by law. Jovanna Holste, Benedict Taffner and Niklas Taffner will not accept any costs whatsoever if the use of this website or the content offered on it results in damage to your devices or your data.

Links to other websites

Links contained on this website to websites of other companies are provided solely as a service to users. If you use such a link, you will leave the website of Jovanna Holste, Niklas Taffner and Benedict Taffner. Jovanna Holste, Niklas Taffner and Benedict Taffner cannot check all the websites of other companies, we have no influence on and assume no responsibility for these websites and their content. In particular, the inclusion of such links on the Jovanna Holste, Niklas Taffner and Benedict Taffner website does not imply that Jovanna Holste, Niklas Taffner and Benedict Taffner promotes these products, services, content, information or the material offered or that there is any connection between Jovanna Holste, Niklas Taffner and Benedict Taffner and the aforementioned.
Access to a website of another company via a link on this website is the sole responsibility of the user.

In cooperation with Kreisstadt Saarlouis

The logo of the city Saarlouis.
The logo of Lindy Hop Saarbrücken.
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